zaterdag 15 januari 2011

5. Consumer behaviour

Costumer behaviour is the thoughts and actions of individuals who are directly related to the assessment, obtainment, use and disposal of goods and services. It is about individual consumers (also known as “finale consumer”) who make a purchase individual or family consumption. The consumption process knows four phase:

1. Information and communication behaviour.
2. Buying behavior.
3. Consumption behavior.
4. Disposal behavior.

Costumer behaviour is a part of the human overall human behavior studied from differentfields. Every part of these fields highlights consumer behavior for example:
  • The psychology of how consumers think, feels, reason, and select between different alternatives.
  • The psychology of how the consumer is influenced by his or her environment.
  • The behavior of consumers of producing, exchanging and consuming goods and services, including the use of scarce resources to satisfy needs.
  • Consumers in relation to its cultural environment.
  • Economics is the study of the production, trading and consuming goods and services, including the uses of scarce resources to satisfy needs. 
Psychological factors play a very important roll in the customer behaviour. The most relevant factors or customer behaviour are:  

Motivation.  It comes from an unconscious need or a feeling of deficiency that and leads to activity that satisfies that need.
Perception. Psychologists distinguish between sensation and perception .
Learning. It is relatively permanent behaviour, which is based on experience. Sometimes a learning effect coincidental (incidental learning).
Attitude. It is partly learned and the other part on personality based on a stable way of response to an object or object class.
Personality and lifestyle. This is a set of consistent responses of an individual relative to its environment. Meaning a consistent behaviour pattern even if the individual changes of environment.
Trust. The confidence of consumers in the development of the economy and whether or not it is a good timeto buy expensive goods plays also an important role.

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