maandag 10 januari 2011

2. Guerilla Marketing

One of the most interesting subjects I came across during my research on different marketing subjects was “guerrilla marketing”. A term I had never heard before. It is more or less unknown to large corporations, although some of them are catching up. It is rarely practiced by big companies. 
Guerrilla marketing is basically marketing techniques (shortcuts) that provide small businesses with alternatives to standards expensive marketing, so they can increase their profits with a minimum of expenses and a maximum of smart plans. Before I continue, I would like to give a few example of what distinguishes guerrilla marketing to what in this case I will call traditional marketing:  
  • Primary investments o guerilla marketing should be time, energy and imagination instead of money.
  • It is directed to small business owners with big dreams and/or limited money.
  • Guerilla marketing measures how well it is doing by profits.
  • It asks small business to temporary forget about competition and spot opportunities to cooperate with other businesses and support one another in a mutual goal or profit.
  • It requires you to use a combination of marketing instruments instead of focusing on one instrument.
  • It embraces technology.

It is clear that small businesses do not have the amount of money as big business does. To survive or become successful they most use a different approach to marketing.  And that is when guerilla marketing steps in. With guerilla marketing entrepreneurs need to examine all the opportunities available to them. Their costs for testing their marketing tactics should be low and a fraction of the price paid by big companies.  

Heineken: Guerilla Marketing - Real Madrid vs AC Milan

2.1 Stealth marketing
Stealth marketing is a subset of guerilla marketing. It is also known as undercover marketing and buzz marketing. Stealth marketing is a form of marketing where customers/audience are not aware that they are been being marketed to. The opinions on this type of marketing differentiate from it being fun and interesting to being a deceptive.  It is known for being less expensive and the most effective way of advertising.   

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